
About Me


  • Duration: Jan 2024 - Present
  • Location: Bologna, Italy
  • Employment Type: Full-time

Robotics Lab:

  • Industrial manipulators (Fanuc, Omron)
  • Software architectures
  • Robotics simulation
  • C++ and Python programming
  • Git, GitLab, CI/CD
  • Software development based on Agile methodologies
  • Skills: Python · Robot Control · Simulation · Robotics · C++

Robotics Engineer at Lab0

  • Duration: Oct 2022 - Dec 2023
  • Location: Genoa, Italy
  • Employment Type: Full-time


  • Robotics simulations
  • Middleware for robotics
  • C++ and Python programming
  • Docker, Git, GitHub, DevOps
  • Software development based on Agile methodologies
  • Parametric design, mesh modeling, and 3D printing
  • Mechanical assembly and hardware integration
  • Skills: Informatics · Software Development · Hardware Testing · Python · Mechatronics · Artificial Vision · Open Source Software · Embedded Software · Embedded Systems · Engineering · Simulation · ROS2 · Technical Support · Sensors · Robotics · Bash · Programming Languages · C++

Robotics Technician at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

  • Duration: Oct 2021 - Oct 2022
  • Location: Genoa, Liguria, Italy


  • Assembly and prototyping of humanoid robots (iCub)
  • Development of tests and software for robot testing
  • Teamwork using Agile methodologies (SCRUM)
  • Mechatronic troubleshooting and system diagnostics
  • Maintenance and after-sales support (on-site and off-site)
  • Significant Experiences:
    • Venice Biennale demo (iCub3 telepresence, IIT promotional video)
    • INAIL joint project demonstration at Ministry of Health in Rome
    • Festa della Repubblica Italiana at Italian Embassy in Paris (human-robot interaction)
    • Technical support for humanoid robotics and telepresence semifinals (ANA Avatar XPrize, AMI)
  • Skills: Informatics · Hardware Testing · Agile Methodologies · Mechatronics · Linux · Open Source Software · Embedded Software · Git · Embedded Systems · Docker · Agile Project Management · Agile Software Development · Engineering · Technical Presentations · Robotics · Technical Support · Sensors · Teamwork · Programming · Robotics · English Language · Humanoid Robotics · Bash · Programming Languages

Robotics Software Engineer at Robotics Lab

  • Duration: May 2022 - Sep 2022
  • Location: Genoa, Italy


  • Analyzing the state of the art regarding the Robot Testing Framework (RTF)
  • Bugfixes of the icub-tests suite based on YARP middleware
  • Writing new tests in C++
  • Producing the final deployment based on Docker
  • Skills: C++ programming · CMake · Robot control (iCub) and functional testing · Linux (Ubuntu), Git · YARP middleware · Docker · Agile / SCRUM

Master Thesis Student at University of Pisa

  • Duration: Mar 2021 - Sep 2021 (7 months)
  • Location: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy


“Design and Implementation of a bio-inspired control system for social humanoid robots”. Developed a control system for Abel, a humanoid robot with ultra-realistic human features. Responsible for creating the software architecture based on ROS (Robot Operating System) and Python.

  • Skills: Informatics · Software Development · Linux · ROS · Open Source Software · Git · Engineering · Robotics · Programming · English Language · Humanoid Robotics · Bash · Programming Languages

Lab Training - Robotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

  • Duration: Nov 2020 - Jan 2021 (3 months)
  • Location: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy


Control of a redundant (7DOF) simulated robotic arm (KUKA) in pick and place tasks by using a ROS interface.

  • Skills: Informatics · Linux · Engineering · Robotics · Programming · English Language · Programming Languages

Collaborating Author at IngegneriaBiomedica.org

  • Duration: May 2019 - Dec 2020 (1 year 8 months)
  • Location: Italy


Wrote several articles of scientific dissemination for IngegneriaBiomedica.org.

Student Tutor at University of Pisa

  • Duration: Jan 2020 - Oct 2020 (10 months)
  • Location: Pisa, Italy


Tutored senior students on communication and relational principles and provided specific training from the department. Served as a reference figure for students, providing informational, guidance, and integration support. Provided information and helped students resolve organizational and didactic doubts and difficulties.